Are you neglecting your fifth wall? It’s all about the ceilings!!

Painted Ceiling

Image credit – Design Sponge

After my ridiculously stupid paint mistakes last year (see previous blog post), you probably won’t want to take any paint advice from me. But hey, we all make mistakes don’t we?

So after interviewing Kim from Desire to Inspire, I was seduced by her amazing dining room but mostly her painted ceiling. I wanted to find out more. And that’s when I started perusing Pinterest and interior magazines for painted ceilings. And what can I say, but WOW!! They look amazing!! So today, I thought I share some of my inspiration and thoughts about painting your fifth wall.

Ceilings are probably the most neglected space in any room. Whilst we spend a huge amount of time thinking about wall colours, furniture and interiors, we forget about the space above our heads. Painting a ceiling (and I’m not talking about white) can significantly change the look and feel of a room. Also, its a great way of re-vamping a room without needing to spend a fortune.

We all know Abigail Ahern has been painting her ceilings the same colour as her walls for some years now but why do we go with the safe option and keep it white? Maybe it’s because we’ve never thought about it and it’s always been about the wall colour and/or lighting? But I’m pleased to say things have changed and we’re becoming much more adventurous with our interiors and that includes giving some thought to our ceilings.

So if your looking for a quick and cheap way to re-vamp a room, then you need to seriously think about painting above your head. And for those more daring amongst us, why not go one step further and paint the ceiling in a contrasting colour or use a high gloss paint instead of matt? After all, some of us do spend our leisure time looking up at the ceiling’s (smiling lots!). So go on give it a go.

Still interested? Then check out some of my pics for inspiration.

Dark Ceilings 

The contrast between dark and light is simply stunning!

Painted Ceiling

Image credit – 47 Park Avenue

And don’t forget about bathrooms. A quick lick of paint on a ceiling can quickly add drama to a small space.

Painted Ceiling

Image credit – Dwell

High Gloss Ceiling 

I love high gloss ceilings, but I think you need to be 100% sure with the colour as it’s a pain to paint but looks amazing!

Painted Ceiling

Image credit – Richard Aldrich

Coloured Ceiling

And 2018 is all about colour. A coloured ceiling against a white back drop definitely gives a room the WOW factor.

Painted Ceiling

Image credit – Welke

Painted Ceiling

Image credit – Magnus Anesund


Painted Ceiling

Image credit – Desire to Inspire

For more ceiling inspiration check out Merry Lake’s home, she has painted all the ceilings in her house. It’s amazing!

So go on the sky’s (sorry I meant the ceilings), the limit. Be brave and paint your fifth wall. Personally, I love it!! But still need to convince Willis on this one, especially after my last two paint fiasco’s.

Wish me luck xx






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